
Still waiting to start my 2020 as I’m still sick in bed, it’s been a slow beginning of the new year, luckily with good friends, puppies, a lovely partner that support me and a lots of cartoons in bed.

I have few trip planned this year and I look forward to see old friends and clients. Some of the destination are already booked but I’m still taking appointments for conventions here is a little list of dates and guest spots till April

  • January 8-10 built strong tattoo Milano

  • January 14-18 studio adrenaline Follonica

  • March 27-28-29 Hudson valley tattoo fest

  • April 17-18-19 Roc city tattoo Expo

  • April 25-25-26 San Diego tattoo Invitational

And here is a picture of a tattoo of a while ago that I liked. Excited for beginning new project this year

Love ✌️



back in New York for the winter season till January which I will be back again in Italy for two weeks, soon I’ll post date and guestspots, but if interested don’t hesitate to e mail me :)

Always available for new project, commission paintings (yes I’m starting taking more commission!) or any type of fun collaborations.

meanwhile here there is a little update of what happened this month.

at the new three kings shop in the lower east side Miss Elvia Iannacone Gezlev http://elviagezlev.wixsite.com/photographyorganize an amazing benefit art show with silent auction in support of Planned parenthood; here is my painting that was part of the show and if you want to read more about this event you can check these website links:


then I have two nice interviews one at http://www.stigmazine.com/?p=910 always with the beautiful pictura that Elvia takes of me :)


and another one it’s just a great time chatting with great people while I was traveling through Europe.

Brian MacNeil artist resident in helsingor has a pod cast called silver tongue podcast (behind that there is also his beautiful wife Luana). Podcast it’s very entertaining, I always listen at it while I’m drawing. and they are just adorable.

here is the link where you can listen at me and other amazing artist taking about experiences and life



it was a very busy month but happy to be back at work.

soon Ill update my calendare with new travelling dates for 2020

good night :*


It’s been a while since the last update on this blog, but being on top of all the internet social media, seems more easy than actually is. (And takes a lot of time too!)

As some of you already know, I’m very, very excited for my upcoming trip to Europe, finally gonna see my family and my friends, I have a couple of guests spot in Italy and Europe and two fantastic tattoo conventions. There is a list of dates on my Event page of this website and on Instagram you can find them on my highlights, aaaand for the one too lazy to check I’m including a screen shot as well.

I’m having a very limited availability so please if you interest email me at lara@larascotton.com, please include a little description of your idea, size and placement and some reference if you have them.

as far as my agenda in NYC I’m currently booking October November and December.

If you think you’’ like to start something new this autumn i’m Taking consultations august 14th and 15th by appointment.

for any other questions feel free to contact me by email,

Thank you for now!

and I’ll see you all in Europe!



Finally having a little time to update this blog, it is going to be a totally new experiment.

I’ve never had a blog and I’d like to share some ideas, traveling dates pictures and project; and it can be a nice way to interact with everybody.

back in NYC city for the moment, trying to catch up with work, but stay Tuned with the New year there are gonna e new traveling dates for guest spot and conventions and new merchandise!

Stay warm for now, in this gloomy day…well at least here
